Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned giving usually refers to gifts made from accumulated assets rather than current income. While generous and disciplined giving flows from the heart, thoughtful and prayerful planning is always wise.

As followers of Jesus, we believe in the scriptural principles of giving, including proportionate giving. “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded,” Luke 12:48.  We believe that returning to God a portion of the gifts God has first given us is both a privilege and an appropriate response in all times and circumstances.

Our Stewardship and Finance teams are committed to conserve, develop and distribute the gifts given by God’s people through generosity and sacrifice.

Calvin’s Gift Acceptance Policy

Calvin Church encourages gifts to support its ministries, missions, and goals. This policy provides guidance to both donors and the church in the acceptance of gifts, specifically in the following areas:

  • Types of gifts Calvin will accept
  • Purposes for which gifts will be accepted
  • Planned giving vehicles
  • Management and administration of gifts.

Stock Transfer Request Form

A link to new Authorization Form (pdf) will be here soon!


For questions or more information, contact Support Ministries Director Kirsty Haining at