Use of Calvin’s Facilities
Calvin Church is committed to sharing our facility with our community — as much as space, time, and the law allow. See NOTE below for legal restrictions on the church as a not-for-profit organization.
Our Hospitality & Facilities Director, Christi Nixon, works with guest groups of all sizes to coordinate guest meetings and events with the events of the church. Christi works part-time and is usually in the office on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays before 3 pm.
Make a payment online for Guest Use of the Facilities or for Community Garden use.
E-Giving, or Electronic Giving, is simple, convenient, and secure. — Privacy and Security through Vanco Payments
Thank you for using our online payment option. Please direct any questions or feedback to Support Ministries Director Kirsty Haining, finance@calvinpc.org.
Spaces and Services
Individual rooms are charged by the hour and additional services such as media may be available at additional cost. WiFi is available facility-wide. Each guest reservation receives individualized attention by our Hospitality & Facilities Director.
To request guest use of our facilities, please fill out the Facilities Guest Use Request form.
Please note that weddings are worship services within the Presbyterian tradition. They require more lead time than other events and have additional requirements. Memorials also involve our Pastor and Deacons. Contact Pastor Emily or Christi Nixon for more information.
View printable Facility Map.
View Calvin’s Facilities Use Agreement (Contract).
View complete online Calendar to see how full our calendar is.
As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the IRS, the use of our property and facilities is limited to charitable, religious, educational, and community purposes.
As a nonprofit corporation under Washington State law, certain restrictions apply related to fundraising, use by for-profit businesses, and sales of goods.
Contact our Hospitality & Facilities Director, Christi Nixon, for more information.