Calvin’s Little Blue Pantry is a ministry of Calvin’s deacons and was started in 2020. It is typically restocked daily with food, hygiene items, and diapers. In May 2023, our little pantry was vandalized and had to be rebuilt. We are pleased to announce that it is back up and running again!
We’re grateful to our community for their expressions of compassion and support. Since many of you have asked, here are a few ways that you can help:
- You can donate food and hygiene items. These can either be brought to worship on Sunday at 10 am, or they can be put directly into the pantry (once it’s up and running again). Click the button below for a list of items that we’ve found to be in demand. Please note that we request individual-sized packages as these are more flexible for those who come to the pantry.
- Get your kids involved! If you have children or grandchildren, bring them along with you when you put items into the pantry; this gives them a chance to observe compassion in action.
- You are welcome to donate monetarily. If you write a check, make it out to Calvin Presbyterian Church but be sure to note “Little Blue Pantry” on the memo line of your check. You can mail the check to the church (18826 3rd Ave NW, Shoreline, WA 98177), or drop it off in our lockbox during business hours. A more convenient option for donating funds is to use our website. Be sure to select the “Deacons / Deacons Pantry” option on our giving page, https://www.calvinpc.org/donate/, so that your funds will be used as you intend. The Deacons’ Fund is used both to purchase pantry items and to assist community members who are in financial need.
Thank you for your support.
May you know Christ’s peace and joy as you care for your neighbors in this practical way.
If you or someone you know is in financial need, you can request help from Calvin deacons. To do so, leave a confidential message on the deacons’ phone line at 206-629-4912.