Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday, February 24, 2023

John 12:12–19

Use the following link if you’d like to read this passage in another translation:

How has God spoken to you through this passage today?

One response to “Friday, February 24, 2023”

  1.  Avatar

    “At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.” Oh, the beauty of hindsight!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday, February 23, 2023

John 12:1–11

Use the following link if you’d like to read this passage in another translation:

How has God spoken to you through this passage today?

2 responses to “Thursday, February 23, 2023”

  1. John Avatar

    It’s interesting to see this passage show up today. This passage came up in conversation this week in connection with how much was spent on a recent advertising campaign and if that would have been better spent on the poor. Irrespective of one’s position on that campaign (and it would be a mistake to justify it directly from this passage), it does raise the question of how much we expect our service, worship, offerings of time, interest, and money to fit a predictable and safe pattern. God, though steadfast and loving, is not predictable and his commands to his people throughout history can require both sacrifice on their part and unseemly celebration. Among other things this story reminds us that, that’s not just an Old Testament thing, and Jesus is not easily put in a box.
    It is, though, one thing to neatly state that but an entirely different thing to be open to the excessive love, grace, and challenge of Jesus’ actual life and interactions.

  2.  Avatar

    Never noticed before that Lazarus was at this dinner, too. How he must have enjoyed having this time of fellowship after his illness and resurrection!