Connect with a LIFE Group
All the following groups will be an hour long and open to both men and women, unless otherwise noted. (Updated Sept. 2023.)
• Monday
9:30 am | Women’s LIFE Group meets in the Library (Donna Miller-Parker)
2 pm | WOW (“Women of the Word”) LIFE Group in the Fireside Room (Kaye Ostgard)
6:30 pm | LIFE Group in the Library (Dan Coppin)
• Tuesday
11:30 am | Ladies’ Lunch meets first and third Tuesday of the month, currently at the Edmonds Waterfront Center (Lyn Fouch)
• Wednesday
5:30 pm | Second Wednesdays of the month during the school year (September-June), Messy Church meets in the Activity Center. Supper included. (Emily Mitchell)
7:30 am | Men’s LIFE Group meets via ZOOM (Dan Coppin)
12 noon – 12:30 pm | Calvin Church Family at Prayer meets via ZOOM (Emily Mitchell)
6:30 pm | Young Adults’ group meets at the Bowermans’ house for dinner and discussion (Nancy Bowerman)
7 pm | Women’s Bible Study in the Fireside room (Christi Nixon)
• Thursday
11 am | Seniors’ LIFE Group meets at Cristwood Park (Neil Trainer)